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Scribe America Readies Workers For The Medical Environment

By Shakira V. Terry

Scribe America is one of several companies that trains and hires medical scribes that work in emergency rooms, hospitals, outpatient centers, and doctor's offices throughout the country. There is not a lot of time for doctors to spend with patients individually in an emergency room where new patients are constantly coming in. The reality is that a considerable portion of a doctor's time with their patients is actually lost to filling out hospital forms and medical documents that must be completed after each visit and before discharge. This massive quantity of lost time could be spent treating patients, discussing their symptoms, and informing them of treatment options if there was another way to fill out the necessary paperwork.

This is where a scribe trained with Scribe America can offer a lot of help to doctors regardless of what kind of facility they are currently working in. Scribes are assigned to doctors and go with them from one patient to another, making necessary notes and completing paperwork as they go. Instead of being forced to stop and take time to record important details of their patient's condition, doctors are able to spend more time being thorough in their care thanks to having a scribe to handle the paperwork for them.

Emergency rooms are hectic, stressful places, so Scribe America helps prepare potential scribes for these kinds of surroundings during their training programs. Scribes need to be comfortable using and writing medical terminology that their assigned doctors will mention; they also need to know how to use medical inscription software. Scribes and doctors work together to help patients but handle very different tasks; a scribe is only responsible for paperwork and does not ever get involved in directly treating a patient.

Doctors prefer to work with scribes who are sure of themselves, responsible, and timely; being a good multi-tasker is also important. Lots of people who work as scribes enjoy the real world experience they get in the hospital environment working long shifts since the majority are currently studying to become medical professionals in the future.

Scribe America helps its training program graduates find employment in the medical field by placing them in hospitals that are in need of good scribes. If you are planning on going into the medical field and want a challenging yet rewarding career, being a medical scribe is certainly worth considering.

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