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How To Blog For Cash

By Saleem Rana

It is possible to earn money for blogging without spending any cash on marketing, advertising, or promotions. Your only expense will be the cost of registering your domain name and paying for your hosting account. We're talking about $20 to get started here.

Although you intend to monetize your blog, this should not be your first consideration. The first thing you have to think about is how you can add value to your blog by adding regular posts about something that you have a considerable amount of knowledge about. Only once you have a substantial number of valuable posts will you have a sufficient readership.

Once you've got some serious content on your blog, begin the monetization process by adding Google AdSense. See how it goes for a while. Google AdSense will work best if you write keyword-rich posts. Over time, your income will begin to increase because you will be continuously adding more pages of content, hence providing more ads. You will also be getting more traffic based on your keyword-rich posts.

You need not stop at Google AdSense for your income. Once you feel comfortable with your advertising program, begin to add a few reviews of products that will help your readers. Observe what type of products appeal to your readers, then begin to recommend similar types of products in the future. One thing to be aware of is that you should stick to products related to your blog theme. If your blog, for instance, is about Internet Marketing, avoid selling anti-virus software. While, of course, everyone who comes to your blog is using a computer, you should not be tempted to start selling fringe items. Focus on your niche alone.

The financial success of your blog depends on a number of factors. Among them are how informative your posts are and how much they help your readers. You don't have to write highly literate posts, just friendly, informative, actionable posts. Another thing to take into consideration is how often you write. This should be consistent. If you write good posts and write them regularly, your traffic numbers should pick up. When this happens, you will begin to make more sales. People usually buy from those they trust. Your regular, high quality blog posts will build up that level of consumer trust.

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