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The Use Of Text Donations By Large Organizations

By Grace Daniels

Text donations refer to a means of conducting charity work. In this method, money is donated to the organizations seeking help, in the form of credit. This credit is usually deducted from the mobile subscribers with their consent as agreed upon.

These charity contributions are usually done through a mobile company. The organization wishing to carry out donations may approach one of the mobile service providers. They then agree on a number to which a standardized text should be sent. On sending the message, the sender is deducted the stated amount of money. The mobile service provider then deducts its fees and gives the rest of the money to the organization interested in the contributions .

Apart from the above process which is rather manual, the clients of mobile service providers may just be required to subscribe to that service of charity. Under this arrangement, a given amount is deducted every day according to the selection of the customer. This method is much better because even if the done forgets about it, the donation still goes on automatically.

This kind of charity contributions has very many advantages. Among them is the fact that it can be used to target very many people, for instance people of even three countries at ago. Also it is favorable for the donor, because it does not involve much procedure such as having to download applications or anything of that kind.

The method however has its setbacks on both the donor, the done and even at times to the mediating organization. The donors may fail to trust the text messages calling for help at times. This is because criminals have taken advantage of such services in order to steal from very innocent people who are also willing to help. The bodies seeking help may also ruin their reputation, since some people may not be fond of organizations that keep borrowing money from them.

Apart from participating in charitable ventures, the subscribers who receive the texts are also informed on matters arising in their country, plans that are underway for their country as well as notifications on what is happening in various part of the country. In this, it is beneficial even to those who may finally refuse to give their money contributions.

For the mobile service providers, such activities serve as an extra source of income. They usually receive such offers from organizations in need of help every other time, hence at any given time; they must be assisting an organization hence generating more income.

Text donations have become really prominent in the current society. Most bodies seeking financial help have resorted to using them in order to generate funds. However, their accompanying risks have also increased in equal proportion. As a result, people have been requested to remain vigilant and get assurance of their service providers, before indulging in any donation activities.

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