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What's Working Now With SEO

By Marcus Ryan

There are many so called gurus and ebooks that are suppose to help you understand seo, instead they only make it more confusing than what it really is. The reality is that search engine optimization is a process and once you understand the process you'll be able to rank any site you want on Google. One of the very first things you should do is proper keyword research to find the best keywords that apply to your website that will get you the most traffic. This article will provide you with tons of tips you can use.

The content of your article is an important piece of the puzzle, too little content can affect your rankings. It's always recommended you have at least 500-1,000 words of content on your homepage and that it includes your targeted or main keyword at least 2-3 times. This will help you get your onsite optimization on track and will help you get your site indexed by the search engines much faster.

Anchor texts are specially important these days, your anchor texts profile should be well balanced between all your relevant keywords. If you link to your main keyword too much through anchor text it could affect your rankings negatively, which is why your profile should be mainly relevant keywords and variations.

If you are running a blog make sure that you optimized individual posts to get better crawling rates. Keep this in mind when you create your URLs. Web crawlers are not designed to crawl these kinds of pages, so make your site's directory structure and page names are keyword-friendly.

You probably know that being ranked by the search engines have many benefits, first page listings on Google for high traffic keywords can be very profitable and put you light years ahead of your competitors. We hope this article was helpful and you learned a few new tricks to help you with your search engine optimization efforts.

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