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Tips To Improve Your Website's Design

By Manny Rutz

There is no doubt designing a website from scratch can be a bit intimidating specially when you don't have all the pieces together. You need to know exactly what look and message you want to send to your visitors with your design. In this article we hope to provide you with a few ideas and tips to do just that.

The first tip is to have a favicon created for the website you designed. This small graphic will give your site more recognition in case a visitor decides to bookmark your website. Memorable favicons help you stand out when people look at their bookmarks. If possible, create a favicon that's consistent with your business logo, product, or theme.

Be certain to 'remember' personal information that might have to be re-entered by the returning visitors. Make it easy on your visitors by keeping information that they may need for other forms or orders. It's annoying for visitors to have to re-register for different site functions, so work to make the site experience positive for your users.

Make any logos on your website link to the home page. People have learned to be accustomed to a few things, including menus on the left, headers at the top and logos which lead back to the front of the site. Visitors will become frustrated if there is no easy way to return to the home page. Your site is much easier to use if your logo is clickable.

Another thing is good maintenance of the content and information of your website. Making sure all your links are live and active is one way to do it. Broken links results in frustrated visitors who will most likely never return to your site if it's full of broken links. Doing regular checkups and maintaining a clean site where everything works properly will go a long way.

Overall it all comes down to exploring other sites and new ideas to make your website unique. Keep learning and applying so you can stay one step ahead of your competitors and also on what's happening in the world of web design.

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