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The Importance Of Calls To Action

By Walker L. Percy

The call to action (or CTA) on your webpage is one of the most important pieces in the conversion process. This is an element that will communicate with your potential customer and try to lightly push them to purchase a product or service, while browsing your page. Higher conversion rates are a benefit of having a call to action that is properly implemented.

What exactly is a website call to action?

The call to action is your opportunity to drive traffic to your website, get people to subscribe to your newsletter, convince people to click on your advertisement, grow your following on social networks, get people to join your team, sell a product or service, or move someone to do anything that helps accomplish your business goals.

These show up on a webpage as a link, form, or banner that will help the potential customer to move down the line in the conversion process system. As a potential customer finds themselves for the first time on your website, giving them something like a whitepaper or ebook that is easily downloaded is a good idea. Someone who has already obtained one of those "top-of-the-funnel" offerings might have a more advanced call to action presented to them, such as product specs or a special invitation that requires a bit more personal information to be obtained in exchange.

The offer must be something that the consumer is actually interested in. You could offer a discount, give a free trial, bundle items into a package, or give guarantees or successful stories. Knowing your clientele is important in designing an effective call to action, so be sure to do some research into what they would be interested in. The why may be initially mentioned or alluded to in the advert or article copy to get the audience ready for it. The offer must be something that the visitor finds appealing and gives them some incentive.

Make sure your call to action is in sync with the content around it. Someone landing on your organization's homepage might be directed to sign up for your newsletter, while a prospect who reads an in-depth case study may be ready to schedule a demonstration. And the call to action should visually stand out from the surrounding copy. Arrows or other graphics are beneficial, and an interesting font such as one that looks like handwriting is effective. However, ensure your calls to action fit with the color palate and overall look of your brand and surrounding content. This should entice the page visitor to look at the area, but not to distract and aggravate them. Your site has it's own style, be sure the navigation of the CTA matches this.

Since time is short, you must engage the audience, or they will not stay on the page long. You want to keep your call to action short, while still providing enough information about your offer. There is no time to waste here, so don't make it lengthy and dull or they will move on, people don't generally have a lot of extra time.

Make any forms that you are asking the visitor to fill out quick and easy. When you want them to sign on to your newsletter for instance, a short form is best. Request only the data that you require. A boring form that takes a lot of time will not do much to make them fill it out. Prospects don't want to have to work hard to purchase your product. The easier you can make the purchasing process, the more success you will have. Conversion rates rise significantly when calls to action are easy and forms are quick and simplified.

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