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Web Design that Really Gets the Job Done

By Ashley Newson

Any person who spends money with any business or salesperson will be influenced by the appearance of the business, and the same effect applies with your website design. Once you get enough education about what is important, then you can design your site according to your liking as well as what your niche will accept. It is understandable if you feel a bit confused about this subject. Let's look into a few web design factors that you should be focusing on

Grammar and spelling are not really a part of design, but we want to say a few words about them because they are important. You should know by now that a lot of things will add up to the final grade your site receives. There really is no excuse for messing this one up since a spell checker is so common. But maybe it all depends on your audience because some are obviously less caring than others. It doesn't take long to check the spellings and grammar of all your webpages, something you'll thank yourself for later on.

Use RSS Auto-Discovery: All websites should have an RSS feed for content and all site owners should make sure that site headers include the auto-discovery code. This makes it very simple for the different RSS readers and browsers to automatically find your feed and let people know that it is there. RSS feeds are so popular because they keep readers updated on any website content changes--adding this one thing to your site can make a major difference.

The alt tags are beneficial to use for several reasons, and we recommend you use them. We are referring to any person with impaired vision, plus the alt tags are good for a little more on-page SEO benefit. Not using the alt tag will not doom your SEO efforts, so it is mainly for those with vision problems. If you do not optimize for search, then it is still a great idea for vision impaired people. Write a quick little blurb that tells what is in the picture. So do not just do this for one or two graphics but all of them.

Over time your site design is going to get better and will be more effective as you learn and make things better. However, first you should focus your attentions on web design element basics so that you know that nothing is missing from your site. Web design isn't really that complicated but often people turn it into something that is. In order to get everything you want: lots of visitors, high conversions, lots of repeat sales, a really strong brand, etc--then you need to make sure that you are building a super strong foundation.

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