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Reverse Cell Phone Lookup Service

By Alex Grim

When we get a call from an unknown or unregistered number, we usually wonder about who it could be. We sometimes assume about the identity of the caller and think that it can be a long lost friend who wishes to meet and talk. Some who has wild imagination may think that it is a stalker and would feel worried. To avoid making incorrect conclusions, conducting a reverse phonenumber lookup can help address such assumptions and worries.

Engineers have found a way to determine the identity of a caller by doing the reverse phone number search. They have used the information provided to the telecommunications carrier when an individual applies for a phone line. This is what developers used as the source of information to aid in the phone number lookup.

Normally, when we look up information about certain individual in a White or a Yellow Page, we first have to locate the name of the individual on the record then from there we would be able to know their address and the associated phone number. But in reverse phone number lookup, one only has the phone number of an unidentified caller.

Reverse phone number lookup is used in a number of ways. It is mostly used for the security of a person and his family. Parents would like to protect their children from potential harm they could encounter because of the constant access to the Internet. People with ill intentions now use the Internet as their medium to find their victims. Children can be easily deceived by these people and would then give out their personal information and their contact number. With this, parents can protect their children by looking up the identity of the person who called or who is on the call register of their children's phone. Educating you children about such callers eventually protect them from such people. Law enforcers are also using the reverse phone numbers search to determine the location and the identity of the owner of a certain caller especially if somebody would ask for their help.

Reverse phone number lookup is almost the same with Yellow Page, although the method is different but the function which is to provide information to the public is the same. One would be able to identify the person who is associated with the phone number you are checking out as well as the place where it is registered. The name of the telecommunications company is also identified with the search along with the offices and the people that surrounds the phone number in question.

Some telecommunications carrier includes call reverse lookup in their services for a certain fee but other companies do not divulge information about their subscribers to the public. This is where the third party companies online do their part in providing information to the public. There are now several websites that can look up information about about a certain phone number for free but it may not be as reliable as paid services. However, one still has to be cautious when planning to pay for the annual service fee since it the information may also be inconsistent due to the constant update done at the telecommunications part.

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