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Tips To Make Your Ipad Work For You

By Abbey Deromer

The iPad is so new that it can be hard to know all it does. Don't let it just become an app and gaming machine. Your iPad is capable of so much. Read on to learn more about what your iPad can do.

You can access all of your running apps on your iPad. Simply double-click the Home button. A bar near the bottom of the screen will indicate which apps are in use. You may switch to another running app, just by tapping that app in that bar. Swipe downwards to hide the bar again.

If you are tired of being prompted to join various Wi-Fi networks, change your settings. There is a tab you can select to stop your iPad from asking you to join networks. Once set to no, you won't be nagged again.

If you are irritated by repeated request to join other Wi-Fi networks, get into your settings menu and change it. Look for the option which gives you the choice of joining networks. Choose that and this will no longer pop up.

When your password is entered 10 times, your iPad erases - is this a function you'd like to turn on? This erases everything stored on the iPad if the password is entered incorrectly ten times.

Most tablet users do not enjoy typing on their device, even though they eventually get used to it. There is a solution to this in the form of speech dictation on your iPad. Click the Home button two times and then touch the microphone. Dictate your text and click the icon a second time when you are finished.

You will find that iPads now have an easy way to be muted. As you might know, previous iPad versions did not have this capability. Previously, you could use the lock switch to either mute the audio or lock the orientation. Now, you can quickly mute your iPad by holding the "down" half of the volume button.

Does it seem like a pain to tap on the bookmarks icon every time you want to access your favorite websites? Remedy this by having the bookmarks bar turned on permanently. In Settings, open Safari and select the option to always show the bookmarks bar. Simply turn it on.

Set up your FaceTime emails and phone numbers. The email that was used to set up the iPad will be used by default on FaceTime, but it is possible to add others. To add more emails or phone numbers to FaceTime, utilize the settings on iPad.

The iPad is great for music, but are you aware of podcasts? Podcasts are short radio programs that can last anywhere from a few minute to a few hours, and are available on pretty much every imaginable topic. If music is something you have had enough of lately, give some podcasts a try. It is almost inevitable that you will find something that you like.

The iPad has revolutionized the way we use technology. With so many features and applications, the possibilities of this device are nearly endless. This article has shown you how many functions the iPad has.

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