Tue, 07 Jan 2025

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IT Support Comes In Many Forms

By Jessica Long

It does not matter if you are working for a large or a small business, all companies today use computers. Some companies have vast amounts of computers and servers to run them all. When you have this much going on with technology, you need someone to manage and maintain it. That is where the role of IT support comes into the picture.

Although this is probably the standard and what people generally think of when IT or Information Technology is mentioned, but it is not the only one. IT or Information Technology is the term used to define the computer systems or the people who help to build or maintain them and the network they operate on.

When the systems start to have problems or start to fail they will run into trouble. This would be especially true if the company needs the systems to continue running while repairs are being made. With an inexperienced crew there is no way that they can manage to work something that complicated out. That being the case, you could end up with a system wide crash.

Something on that scale, even for a very small company, can be enough to cripple or in some cases, completely kill the business. Companies have gone out of business for less and if these types of scenarios take place where there is no IT support, it could be the end of the road for everybody who works at the company.

One problem with doing things this way is timing. If the computer problem is a bad one and it is stopping something essential from happening, the company will have to wait for the team to arrive. This means that this essential task does not get accomplished until the computer is fixed which could take some time. Had the crew been on-site already the problem would be fixed much sooner.

In such cases those who did not attend college are actually the people who are the better hire. Unfortunately the people doing the hiring do not see it this way and continue to stick with hiring those straight out of college even though they have no experience. It is a sad circumstance for those without the college degree. Their experience should equal the others knowledge, but they do not agree.

When decisions like this are made, they are made at the very beginning of the company's inception. This goes right along with the determination to bring other departments online as well. Essential things like human resources. Anybody who thinks that it is not as important as human resources or anything like it is kidding themselves.

IT support might come in several forms, but as we can see one is not just as good as the other. This is computers that we are talking about here too. Nothing is "almost" fixed. Everything in this field is either on or off. It is either fixed or it is not. So when people who can fix things just as good as other people are hired you are not getting what you pay for.

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