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How Social Media Networking Has Offered Free Marketing

By Rob Sutter

There's a lot that can be said about social media networking, especially when it relates to a number of businesses. Away from work, I am an avid gamer and I pride myself on keeping up with all of the news that comes down the pipeline. This goes for just about any company in the world but my focus, as of now, will remain on Nintendo for the time being. The reason for this is because there seems to have been one recent story that has sparked the attention of many.

The man behind the Super Smash Bros. series, Masahiro Sakurai, went on record by saying that there would be either a story mode or cut scenes for the next game for both Wii U and 3DS. The reason that he gave, generally speaking, was that he did not want to ruin the experience for those playing for the first time. He believed that they would be able to attain such an experience in that situation. This has, as you could very well imagine, struck a chord with a litany of Nintendo fans.

If you were to ask fans about the potential reasons why Sakurai decided to go with this excuse, you could probably imagine that many opinions had come about. Many believe his words, saying that the first experience should not be ruined at all. Others believe that it's a matter of resources and wanting to keep costs as low as possible. There's also the opportunity for added features to be put in place of a story mode and cutscenes but it's difficult to make an assumption.

Video games, as well as other forms of media, can benefit greatly from the idea of free advertising. The fact that Nintendo is seemingly stripping themselves of that is a tad boggling and it's a situation that deserves the focus of such companies as fishbat, too. Social media networking is integral for any major company, so why is Nintendo ignoring this obviously imperative factor? If you're looking for any semblance of sense on the matter, it is very difficult to find any of it here.

Nintendo needs all of the free advertising that it can get and you can say the same for just about any other company in the realm of gaming as well. However, this one is arguably the greatest and it's tough to argue against the sheer magnitude it possesses. When stories like this spring to the surface, they serve as potential reasons for people to have not to purchase these games. This title can still sell amazingly but not without a couple of examples of controversy to be seen.

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