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Improve Your Web Design Skills With These Tips

By Meagan Smith

If you are a newcomer to the topic, web design can appear to be an elusive, alien art form. But, as you gain additional information, you are sure to see it as something at which you can excel. If you use the tips provided in the next few paragraphs, you can design a site that not only looks good, but is easy to use, as well.

As a web designer you should not only worry about the look and feel of the page but also what type of functions it will include. Your goal is to make it as easy as possible for the visitor to navigate on the website, but also make it stylish and unique. A simple feature that every huge site should have is a "search" feature. This feature is important for any site with lots of content.

Speed is king on the Internet, so you need to make sure your web pages load quickly. You cannot expect much patience from your visitors. If they are stuck looking at an incomplete page for minutes on end while your content loads, they are quite likely to close your site and find what they're looking for elsewhere.

The web design industry is always changing and websites are always being improved. You can tell whether a site's design is current or old by simply looking at it. A good tip is to check out the portfolio of some of the biggest web design companies online and see what they are doing so you can compare and learn.

If you are putting up a business website, avoid free hosting sites as this will cost you business. Although everyone likes to hear that something is free, there really is no such thing. Though you won't pay for the hosting in dollars, your site will suffer when it is constantly crowded with advertisements that you have absolutely no control over. This will cause you to make sacrifices in your business ethic and design, and customers will shy away from your sites.

Web design is not rocket science, the more you learn and apply the better. We encourage you to keep searching on the topics and things related to designing and launching a complete site. Hopefully the advice and tips in this article give you a better idea and a few pointers on what a well designed website should have.

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