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Top Organizational Change Management Methodology Montreal

By Melissa Hughes

Change is a constant demand for organizations that are to survive and be profitable. However, the only helpful change is that which is structured. The adoption of effective organizational change management methodology Montreal ensures that the process is smooth and fruitful.

There are different philosophies and ideas that determine the kind of changes to take place in organizations. All these strategies have underlying principles that make the methodologies applicable in different situations. Experts have highlighted the principles that anchor any methodology that is meant to deliver change to an organization.

The best methodology must capture prior planning. Organizations have to face changes from time to time. Management must expect these changes to happen and therefore make necessary plans. Some changes where planning can be done include a shift in regulatory environment, departure of an employee or a push from market forces. Anticipating the changes make whatever happens easier to handle.

Develop a communication strategy and ensure that the timing is right. There are important persons who must be informed about changes taking place and how they affect their interaction with you. The people to be informed include executives, employees, associates, customers and even regulators. Craft a message that inspires confidence that you will still deliver expected services and meet their expectations.

Do not force anyone into particular actions or anything to happen. People must be provided with alternatives. They may stay and be part of changes happening or may leave to provide room to others who wish to occupy these positions. If you use a lot of force, certain areas will break. Make the process as seamless as possible.

The principles and pillars governing any organization must remain intact. Customers identify with aspects of your business beyond the services or products you offer. It could be customer service, flexibility, attention to feedback or provision of a comfortable space, among other aspects. The changes you put in place must never alter these aspects. Any alterations will send your customers away.

Make the people involved to feel the power of authority whenever changes are taking place. Expect resistance but it should never cause you to change your mind. Set targets and move towards them. The only way changes will happen is when they are authoritatively implemented. Without authority, you will be derailed and fail to meet targets set.

Place change champions at strategic places within your organization. They become the inspiration required to drive the agenda of change throughout the organization. Executives must also buy the idea and provide the support required. Transformation will be pushed from all aspects of your organization structure.

The strategy will require adjustment in the course of implementation. Original plans are usually idealistic. What you envisaged will not necessary be what is happening on the ground. This is where adjustments are necessary to align your strategy with market position. However, these changes should not affect the principles or foundations of the organization.

Change must be adequately funded. This happens whether you are upgrading or downsizing. New infrastructure will be needed to upgrade or compensation for those leaving the organization. It takes time to see the changes. Support by executives is crucial to achieve desired results.

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