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Daily Arab News Is Where You Get Unbiased Reporting

By Betty Graham

The inquisitive nature of man cannot be overestimated. This creature of skin and bones always has the knack of asking question with regard to the surrounding and occurrences in other areas. Never is this creature satisfied when answers are not to be found. Knowing events in and around the environment is a major concern for various reasons. Somehow in a way it helps the creature in deciding what course of action to take based on this knowledge. It is what people call news. People living in the Middle East listen to broadcasts from the Daily Arab News.

Information flow during early civilization was snail paced and very slow. This was passed orally. Happenings in other cities took a long time to travel as this was often given to a runner who had to cover big distances using his two feet. Now that must have been quite of an undertaking. The energy required to perform the task was daunting. Speed of course was very limited.

The domestication of the horse gave impetus the way of knowing what took place in other localities. The horse speed multiplied that of a man. It could cover huge distances in a shorter time. This made it possible for people to send it together the rider to several places in a given span of time. Even though the use of horse made travel shorter, information was still given through mouth.

At the height of Grecian culture when city states flourished, battles were also fought among the states. One famous battle is the battle of marathon where a Spartan soldier ran all the way from the battle scene to the city to share the victory that happened there. This is in reference to the degree of accuracy oral information is relayed.

The invention of parchment made of papyrus changed the way information was gathered. Instead of spoken words, it transformed into written words as man learned how to write. Papyrus was a medium that was delicate and easily decayed. Pulp form wood was the next step as man created paper out of it. Writing implements were also invented.

Through the years pulp from wood was converted to paper as is known today. This was made from wood that was plenty as compared to papyrus. Through this more durable medium events were written and spread. This medium, together with man on horseback aided in the dissemination of stories of events to recipients from near and afar.

Texts were written by hand then as is still today in most cases. Reproducing written word was done by hand. Copies had to be rewritten manually. This process was very tiresome. It also required many warm bodies. Still this assisted in spreading of event stories from the north, east, west, and south.

One of the more glorious eras in the existence of man was the Renaissance. It was during this period that great strides in technology started. The arts flourished. Paintings and sculptures were created by masters, as were buildings. The most influential equipment that was born during this era was the printing press contraption. This masterpiece of ingenuity use carved blocks of wood wiped with ink material and pressed on a medium like cloth or paper. The arrangements of letters on these blocks made reproduction a single text many times over.

Today news can be gathered or heard in a variety of ways as technology advanced through the years. Telegraphy and telephony were once used during the early nineteen hundreds but today modern man has many means available. Radio broadcasts are heard daily. Network television provides news daily and the latest technology using computers and the internet has made the world a very small place indeed.

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