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Current Events Jerks Bosses Politics And Causes

By Edward Olson

Whether dealing with world leaders, pharmaceutical representatives, local or regional government officials, boorish and childish behaviors are often at the forefront of daily life, especially in the United States. In fact, it can often feel as if Current Events Jerks Bosses Politics are overshadowing everything else going on in the world.

Bob Sutton, a professor at the Stanford School of Business has created somewhat of a home grown cottage industry after having become an expert on these actions and issues. For, the first book published by Sutton, The No Asshole Rule became a best seller. Whereas, a new publication recently released by the professor, The Asshole Survivor Guide will most likely see the same success in the future.

In marketing the release, Bob provided an in-depth interview to Jessica Pressler of New York Magazine. The interview includes tricks from treating the nastiness from those rambling on with such negativity to keep from getting under the skin of individuals. Although, one of the most useful sections of the book might very well be the question as to why now is there such a plethora of assholes in society whether in places of power or otherwise.

The first aspect of the answer relates to President Trump and all aspects of politics in America. While diplomatic in tone, Sutton notes that there appears to be an epidemic of nastiness in the White House. Whereas, the author goes on to define the term asshole as being anyone who would leave others feeling demeaned, de-energized and disrespected while admittedly suggesting that a number of U. S. Citizens believe the president fits into this category, self included.

When it comes politics, Sutton currently sees the topic as nothing more than people calling other people assholes. An issue which Sutton sees as creating much of the nastiness currently going on in the world. For, as the professor states, nastiness spawns nastiness while nicer behaviors often go unnoticed.

Inequality is another area in which Sutton feels is responsible for the current attitude in America. For, the massive economic gap between those whom have and those whom do not promote a larger imbalance of wealth and power. For, as envy goes up, disdain often goes down.

Technology is another area in which the author believes has had a negative aspect on the country. For, while some advances in technology have played a positive role, others have given people powers many have used to cause harm. For example, using the anonymity of the internet to promote crimes such as kidnapping and trafficking, or merely to be mean against people without having eye contact.

While the books focus on these issues, Sutton and others still hope that people can find a way to become nicer to one another. For, only when that reality takes place will there even be a possibility for peace whether on a local, regional or national level. A goal which can be achieved simply by becoming the best citizens possible and voting based on conscience rather than peer pressure while working to make the country a better and nicer place.

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