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The Flag Company Inc And Gabon Flag

By Antony Lowrance

Gabon, West African country with the Atlantic as its western border is also bounded by Equatorial Guinea, Cameroon, and the Congo. Its area is slightly less than Colorado's. Most of the country are covered by a dense tropical forest.

Gabon was first explored by the Portuguese navigator Diego Cam in the 15th century. In 1472, the Portuguese explorers encountered the mouth of the Como River and named it “Rio de Gabao,” river of Gabon, which later became the name of the country. The Dutch began arriving in 1593, and the French in 1630.

From 1910 to 1957, Gabon was a part of French Equatorial Africa. The Fang and some other African peoples resisted the imposition of French rule until 1911. In 1913, Albert Schweitzer established a hospital at Lambaréné on the Ogooué. During World War II, Free French forces gained control (1940) of Gabon from the Vichy government. In 1946, Gabon became an overseas territory of France, and in 1958, the country became internally self-governing within the French Community.

In 1958, the nation turned into a French community and self-representing. The banner of Gabon was tricolor of four green, one yellow, and 4 blue stripes. The banner had a French tricolor in the canton. In 1960, the nation turned into a recently independent Republic of Gabon.

The banner of Gabon was authoritatively received by Gabon in August 1960. Their military airship has a roundel. Green is the inside circle and is encompassed by the yellow and the blue in just equal groups. Blue is the peripheral shading.

The flag of Gabon has three equally sized horizontal bands of green on the top band, yellow in the middle band and blue as the lower band. The green color represents the green of the forest. With the equator crossing the country, their forest is very lush and green. The blue color represents the sea. Yellow is said to represent the country's other natural resources and the Equator line which pass through the country. The Flag Company Inc specialized in flag designs offered a special edition of decals and flags to memorize the history of Gabon Flag for the future.

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