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How To Duplicate Hailey Baldwins Style

By Richard Fisher

In copying the style of a famous celebrity, you have to be specific with all the things which would comprise your outfit. So, allow this article to give some tips on how this is supposed to be done. Learn to master the art of mixing and matching things and that can already lead you to become a headturner once and for all.

Find a bonnet which has an animal print on it. Hailey Baldwins style is actually synonymous to the word unique. Thus, start with the basic designs until you get used to just letting your artistic side guide you. Again, this is a period of liberation on your part and that is great when you have already gone tired of looking the same everyday.

Wear a black sweater. You may think that your curves would not be seen in here but it is actually the exact opposite. When you put something plain in your body, you are making people curious of what is underneath it. So, your features would be highlighted and you get to be appreciated for exactly who you are.

Wear high heels when you just want to wear pants. Celebrities are not glamorous all the time. So, do not be afraid to be casual without losing that sense of elegance within you. Just learn to find the perfect balance between these elements and you will still be able to strike an impression among everyone you meet.

That wide brim sunglasses would also be necessary. This is not just to give you that incognito look but also to protect your eyes from the harmful rays of the sun. So, try to be practical as much as possible. In that way, you would still have something to wear even when you do not feel all glamorous as of the moment.

Your hair color must not stay the same from this point onwards. So, embrace the attention you can get when you go bright hues. People may look at you like you have lost your mind but this is how you could express yourself. If you will not do it now, you shall find yourself too old to even make a simple fashion statement work.

Wear a turban when you are wearing a flowery dress. The key to fashion is for you to look good regardless of your chosen style for the day. So, make use of different fashion blog and get all the inspiration you need. You may not be able to exactly copy her style but coming close to it is already an achievement on your side.

Lace outfits are the objects to go for in an elegant ball. Do not cover yourself up when you are more skinny than most women you know. It does not matter if they become envious of you since one is doing this for yourself and nothing else.

Wear the boldest red lipstick which you would be able to find. Again, be fierce. Love yourself too.

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