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The Benefits Of Buying A Dun Tennessee Walking Horse

By Christine White

Horses are very useful especially if they are well taken care of. New breeds of this animal are also being developed regularly. Dun Tennessee walking horse stands out as a stallion breed because of its magnificent moving abilities and physical appearance. Scientists developed this creature for the first time in North America. It was specifically developed to be used in farms and plantations. This science has also spread to other nations around the globe.

There are two types of this exotic creature breed. The first type is known as the flat shod while the second one is known as performance. These names were coined to represent to ability of the animal to utilize its legs. To be precise, flat shod stallions usually have regular horseshoes and have a simple walking style. The performance stallions on the other hand have built up pads meant to exaggerate its movement.

This animal is relatively sixty inches long with longer shoulders and hips. It has a short back with strong backbones for flexibility during movement. Its weight is twelve hundred when measured in pounds. This animal has a muscular body as compared to other stallions. It also comprises of thick hind legs for it to stand up easily and move swiftly.

Its fur color stands out because of the precision taken by genetic experts when it was being developed. The predominant fur color that was utilized was black. Other hues like bay, chestnut and grey were also used to develop this exotic animal. A procedure that is popularly referred to gene dilution was utilized to create fur colors. In addition, creatures with appealing fur colors cost more than others.

This creature is basically prominent for its running walk. The stallion can walk for over ten miles per hour. Regular stallions walk for approximately four miles per hour. This speed difference indicates that this creature has been genetically engineered to perform in terms of movement. Its legs and back enable the animal to make longer steps than regular stallions. Its footprints are also longer and range from about six to eighteen inches.

Rodeo events take place frequently in diverse parts of the world to celebrate and race stallions. This amazing animal breed is also used during such events by cowboys who are passionate about speed. This breed is additionally used during exhibitions to advertise the breeds that have recently been developed. Television commercials and movies that are broadcasted these days also feature this animal.

Two types of competitions are usually held for this stallion breed and one is called flat shod battle. This type is low key because it features animals that comprise of simple stacks and horseshoes. The other competition type is called performance battle. This one involves stallion that generally have attractive horseshoes. Stallions that participate in performance competitions also walk in an exaggerated manner.

There is also a stallion protection act that dictates the rights of this exotic breed. This act was enacted very many decades ago as genetic experts began developing several breeds. The showing, sale and exhibition of this creature are also dictated by the protection act.

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