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Information On Examples Of Alternative Investments

By Jessica Murray

The term alternative investment is used to describe a class of asset other than, cash, bonds and stocks. It also includes tangible assets, for example, antiques, precious stones, stamps, real estate, wine, and art. Real estate or forestry investment is a substitute regardless of having being used to preserve public or private wealth. You need to know a few examples of alternative investments.

You can opt for a number of investments, for example, the structured products, futures market and hedge funds. They use derivative contracts, which are divided into three classes. The three classes include the futures and forward contracts, swaps and options. When it comes to the options, you have the right to purchase or sell an asset at a particular price in the future.

Derivative contracts consist the following: commodities, currencies, debt, interest rates and foreign exchange rates. Warrants are also classified under this category. When you opt to invest in warrants, you may purchase an underlying security from financial institution at a specified price into the future. Therefore, the company stock value determines price fluctuations. However, there is a slight difference between a warrant and an option. A warrant can be traded for several years while the latter is traded for some months.

Interest rate options are divided into three classes. The caps is where the seller pays the buyer in case the interest rates surpass a specific amount. The floors is where the seller pays the buyer in the event the interest rates fall below this specific amount. The collars is where the purchase of both the floor and interest rate cap minimizes the range of fluctuation of the interest rates.

You get a lot of benefits when you trade the derivative contracts. For instance, warrants make it efficient for an investor to get more yields from the rising share index. This is because he or she can get the shares at a lower market price when he or she acquires the warrants. On the other hand, interest rates help you in minimizing the risk of borrowing money at an adjustable rate of interest. You should purchase an interest rate cap from a bank different from the one you are borrowing.

If you need to invest in the structured products, then you should be accredited. This is a broad category of financial instruments which encompasses derivatives with securities as well as other derivatives to create a trading strategy in one product. The structure products give you the chance to gain a wide exposure to a selected type of asset before owing it.

Structure products offer an effective strategy to implement complicated investments within one product. They help you find solutions to varying investment needs. On the other hand, you can opt to deal with hedge funds. This is a private investment managed by a financial specialist. However, it can also be a partnership structure.

You should choose an investment strategy with minimal risks, higher returns and lower instances of fraud. You need to be familiar with each trading opening before you make the decision. You can consult a financial manager and choose a reliable financial institution to deal with.

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