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Stuart Millheiser & Why The ALS Ice Bucket Challenge Matters

By Jason McDonald

Regardless of how much you know about ALS, from a medical standpoint, it's safe to assume that you know about the Ice Bucket Challenge. Last year, this became nothing short of a trending topic on social media, as many people have taken part in it. However, it seems as though we are geared for another challenge this year, which you may be curious about getting into. For reasons why to take part in this endeavor, here are a couple of talking points illustrated by Stuart Millheiser.

One of the reasons to do the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge, according to names such as Stuart Millheiser, is the level of awareness that can be generated. Much like brain cancer and other unfortunate diseases, many people tend to overlook the impact that ALS can have. It's a condition that many people are familiar with, but are uncertain of what it's all about. Awareness has to be gained, in order for information to be made clear, and this particular challenge helps in that respect.

There's also the matter of people coming together for a cause they agree with. Suffice it to say, we are not always going to agree on everything, which is true when you think about how different interests are from one person to the next. Medical situations, on the other hand, draw empathy and it encourages people to work together in order to work toward a common goal. This is another reason why the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge matters, and Stuart Millheiser can say the same.

Finally, the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge entails more than simply dumping cold water on one's head. Whether you decide to actively participate in this challenge or not, you have the ability to donate any amount of money you would like to further research. Many people who have accepted the challenge in question have also donated, enhancing their efforts in the long term. When it comes to this type of research, it's easy to imagine that any amount helps.

Hopefully these reasons are enough to get you to participate in the next ALS Ice Bucket Challenge. Even though this has developed as an Internet phenomenon, there's far more to it than that. It's a way to get people to understand the impact that ALS can have, in addition to the ways in which others can help. While it may be enjoyable to take part in a trending topic, especially one that generates clicks, it's the long-term impact that matters most of all.

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