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Reasons Yamaha Bikes Still Take The Top Position At Motorsports Dealer Riverside County

By Jay Dy

In a recent survey, Consumer Reports conducted a survey based on owner feedback which found Yamaha Motorcycles to be the most reliable brand. When the magazine asked for survey responses, 11,000 Motorsports Dealer Riverside County riders responded. Their experiences and opinions on their bikes incorporated 12,000 bikes purchased new between 2008 and 2014.

How Yamaha Stacks Up on Reliability.In general, Japanese brands ranked as the most reliable bikes, with Yamaha at the top, followed by Suzuki, Honda and Kawasaki. On the other hand, Triumph, Ducati and BMW were more prone to needing repair.Yamaha owners had less serious problems to deal with than the other owners. Can-Am trikes were at the bottom for reliability and four times more likely to break down. Statistically, the study found only 11 percent of Yamaha Motorcycles have serious issues in the first four years.Other Japanese bikes, such as Suzuki, Honda and Kawasaki, ranked very high in the reliability category. Under 15 percent needed major care in the first four years.

The owners of Yamaha had minimal issues to deal with in comparison to the rest. From the bottom upwards were the Can-AM strikes regarding reliability. The probability of breaking was four times more than the others. The survey revealed only 11 percent of Yamaha with serious issues in the span of four years after buying.

The owners of Harley-Davidson thought their bikes would have problems twice as much and 26 percent likely to suffer major issued during their first four years on the road. Triumph owners ranked behind Harley regarding reliability. The results for Ducati and BMW were low on reliability. As for Ducatis and BMWs, they were 33 and 40 percent respectively in need of major repairs in their early lives while Can AM towed the line at 40 percent.

Labeling the products.Despite Yamaha receiving high ratings regarding reliability, most of the owners would not place it as their priority when purchasing another bike. Yamaha has created a good brand image that attracts many motorcycle enthusiasts, and that is why most people prefer it when buying a motorcycle for the first time. Its comfort is also part of the reason why most people rank it highly above other brands.

That doesn't change the fact that Yamaha Motorcycles love their bikes and get more bang for their buck.

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