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The Flag Company Inc And Curacao Flag

By Collin Gregor

The history of the magnificent island of Curaçao starts with accounts of the Arawak Indians, who inhabited the island long before it was found by Christopher Columbus. The Arawaks and their subgroups came to the Caribbean from South America about 6,000 years ago in 2500 B.C. and settled on different islands that they discovered while on their northbound voyage. Curaçao was named after the Caiquetios, the group of Arawaks who settled on the island after leaving Venezuela around 500 A.D.

In 1954, the Dutch Antilles were provided with their own autonomous government and once again in the history of Curacao the economy began to blossom again, although the countries wealth was not shared even amongst all the people. As a result, and not for the first time in the history of Curacao, a revolt took place, which this time had to be oppressed by flown in Dutch mariners. This revolt did, however, result in governmental changes and for a fairer share of the islands' wealth. Since the 10th of October 2010, Curacao obtained the status of a constituent country within the Kingdom of the Netherlands.

Curacao had been exclusively under the Netherlands National Flag, until turning it into a part of the Netherlands Antilles, and additionally started flying that regions banner when it was presented in 1959. In any case, Curaçao wished to have its own banner, and an opposition for the new banner drew more than 2,000 passages.

The outline picked was presented on July 2, 1984. Upon the disintegration of the Netherlands Antilles on Oct. 10, 2010, Curacao turned into a self-sufficient state inside of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, and the banner of Curaçao supplanted that of the Netherlands Antilles as the regional standard.

The flag of Curaçao incorporates two horizontal blue stripes: the upper and larger blue stripe symbolizes the sky, and the lower and smaller one represents the loyalty of the people and the sea that surrounds the island. The yellow (and smallest) stripe, situated between the two blue ones, is a reminder of the bright sunshine that characterizes the island and the happy nature of the people.

The five focuses on the two stars recommend the five landmasses from which, throughout the years, individuals have moved to Curaçao. The white stars stand for peace and joy, crucial objectives of the general population of the island. The Flag Company Inc represented considerable authority in banner plans offered an uncommon release of decals and banners to retain the historical backdrop of Curacao Flag for the future generations.

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