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Flag Company Inc And Angola Flag

By Alex Frank

Angola, more than three times the size of California, extends for more than 1,000 mi (1,609 km) along the South Atlantic in southwest Africa. The original inhabitants of Angola are thought to have been Khoisan speakers. After 1000, large numbers of Bantu speakers migrated to the region and became the dominant group. Angola derives its name from the Bantu kingdom of Ndongo, whose name for its king is ngola. The first inhabitants of the area that is now Angola are thought to have been members of the hunter-gatherer Khoisan group. Bantu-speaking peoples from West Africa arrived in the region in the 13th century partially displacing the Khoisan and establishing a number of powerful kingdoms.

The present banner of Angola came into usage on November 11, 1975, after Angola got freedom from Portugal. It is made out of two just as estimated rectangles, red on top and dark on the base. It has a cogwheel crossed by a machete and there is a gold star. The red means blood shed by the Angolans amid oppression, defense of the country and the battle for independence. Dark stands for the African mainland. Workers and modern generation are showed by the cogwheel pay tribute to the laborers. The star is typical of universal solidarity and progress and the yellow stands for the wealth of Angola.

There are different translations of the hues and images found on the Angolan banner. For a few, the comprehension of the significance of Angola banner is by all accounts in light of the banner that was used by the decision party the Popular Movement for the Liberation of Angola (MPLA). It was the same red and dark with a gold star in the inside. Red means communism, dark for Africa and the star was reminiscent of the Soviet Union's red star.

Many Angolans see the cogwheel and machete as reminiscent of the hammer and sickle on the flag of the Soviet Union and that is a symbol of communism.

There was another banner proposed in 2003. This is a red rectangle with blue and white stripes over the top and base. In the focal point of the red rectangle, there is a brilliant sun which depends on antiquated cavern depictions.

However so far this banner has not been excepted. Numerous think it has no genuine significance when contrasted with the banner now being used which for some individuals join them to their history. Another point is that the banner is an excess of like different banners, for example, Costa Rica and North Korea.

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