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The Flag Company Inc And Bolivia Flag History

By Boby Frank

In conquering the Inca empire, the conquistadors - even though few in number - move with surprising speed into the Altiplano, the high plateau in the Andes which is often called Upper Peru and which comprises much of modern Bolivia. This is a region with a rich past, as the ruins of Tiwanaku bear witness, but it has been a relatively unimportant part of the Inca realm.

The flags of Bolivia didn't always look like they do today. On the 17th of August, 1825, just eleven days after Bolivia declared its independence from Spain, the first Bolivian flag and crest were created.

Its stripes were green-red-green, with the red stripe being marginally wider than the other two. Five stars were sewn onto the more extensive red stripe, that speaks of the five regions the nation had at the time.

This version was modified on the 26th of July, 1826 when Congress changed the color of the upper green stripe to yellow making it yellow-red-green. The 5 stars on the red stripe were replaced by a national coat of arms.

Like every country's banner has a reason or importance credited to the hues as well as insignias, the Bolivian Flag has its own significance. The red stripe on top of the Bolivian banner is illustrative of the Bolivian trooper's fortitude with regards to their nation. Yellow stands for the rich mineral assets of the nation. Green symbolizes the fruitfulness of their land.

On November 6, 1851, President Manuel Belzu just reset the hues to mirror the request of the hues found in the kantuta and the patuju, the two Bolivian National Flowers: red-yellow-green. The Flag Company Inc represented considerable dedication in banner outlines offered an extraordinary version of decals and banners to retain the national banner of Bolivia for the future eras.

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