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Work The Land With Okeechobee Ranches For Sale

By Mattie Knight

This year the town of Okeechobee is celebrating one hundred years as a community. The area has a lot to offer prospective ranchers. Okeechobee ranches for sale are available in small plots or grand ranches with thousands of acres. For people who have lived in suburban or urban America, it is impossible to imagine this much land without a freeway or shopping mall. If hundreds or thousands of acres is too intimidating, smaller plots around ten acres are also available.

For prospective property owners thinking on a smaller scale, another example is a ten acre ranch complete with three bedroom two bath home that includes a fabulous kitchen. Buyers certainly get a lot for their money in this town.

Known for its agriculture, these are working ranches. One website has forty two ranches for sale. This lifestyle is meant for people who are experienced in growing agriculture or raising livestock. Ranching is a meaningful way to spend your life, but it is a lot of work. Make sure this is something you love.

Some of the properties have various structures, such as barns, pavilions and stables. With a plot of land thousands of acres large, you will need a comfortable home because there will be days when you will not leave the ranch. Choose the size you want and choose between agriculture and livestock.

There is quite a variety of ranches available. Sprawling lodges are home to horses and cattle. The privacy is fantastic. If you love the outdoors, Okeechobee has much to offer. With fishing, horse back riding and more, there is always something great to enjoy in the big outdoors.

The plots of land are vast, but the town is most hospitable. The upcoming three day music festival is a great way to get to know the community. In March 2016 many big name musicians will gather together making music for your listening pleasure. With five stages, artists, performers and great music, you will not want to miss out on the fun.

You will not be far from Lake Okeechobee with seven hundred fifty square miles filled with fresh water fish. The Lake is known far and wide for its speckled perch and the large mouth bass. The waters are unparalleled for fresh water fishing, a nice break from the ranch chores. The townspeople call the lake the Big O, which is part of the Okeechobee Waterway that flows into the Atlantic Ocean. Folks who do not want to out in the water alone can purchase a fishing trip with a local tour guide.

This can be a great place for entrepreneurs to have a horse ranch open to the public. Another option is to board or breed horses. For natives of Okeechobee, the horse ranch and livestock ranches are a great way for the kids to participate in the 4H Club. You will not be able to walk next door to borrow a cup of sugar, but the town will provide you with many wonderful, friendly neighbors. Happy trails.

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