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A Brief Recap Of Mike Huckabee Policy Solutions

By Mattie Knight

The 2016 Republican Presidential primaries are a crowded field at present. One of the candidates is Mike Huckabee, former Governor of Arkansas. He was governor during the period of 1996 to 2007. His record during that period was admirable. He managed to lead out in legislation that improved the health care and education systems in the state. The Arkansas state highway system was improved. He was effective in creating jobs and cutting taxes at the same time. The Mike Huckabee policy solutions are available to supporters online at his website. A review of the statements can be seen below.

According to the candidate, his first official act upon being sworn in as President will be to ensure that the veterans from military service will be cared for. He says those who have fought in foreign wars deserve top quality care and treatment. He plans to fix the Department of Veterans Affairs, and force bureaucrats and VA hospital officials to be held accountable for the crisis in disability claims and the unacceptable wait times. Help for veterans will include permanent careers and purpose. In particular, Huckabee wants to fight for mental health awareness and suicide prevention.

When it comes to the Tax Code, the presidential administration under Mike Huckabee would begin by eliminating the entire Internal Revenue Service. The savings gained annually by this action would same U. S. Citizens more than $1 trillion. Thousands of tax preparers, lawyers and bureaucrats are involved in compliance with the existing 75,000 pages of the Tax Code. The Governor's solution is to replace the existing income tax with a Fair Tax. The simplicity of a Fair Tax would also lower tax rates, protect the Social Security and Medicare programs and would have more taxpayers contributing, with less cost.

On the subject of the 2nd Amendment, the candidate has views which are quite open and strong. He views the Amendment as a best defense against governmental tyranny. The governor was the second governor to obtain a license to carry a concealed handgun. He is proud to be a lifelong member of the NRA. Under his administration there would be no new gun control mandates, regulations, restrictions or laws.

The Governor is emphatic about his plans for Obamacare. He plans to repeal the legislation and replace it with health care which addresses the basic health problems which Americans face. He calls Obamacare a $2.2 trillion disaster which channels millions of individuals into a system which is already broken and out-of-control financially. He is opposed to the theft of $700 billion which was taken from the Medicare system.

Other policy issues which have been spelled out by the candidate include rejection of existing executive order from Obama, which are unconstitutional. The border would be secured and amnesty is opposed. The governor says that the country must return to a state of adherence to laws.

The policies regarding Israel are clear. He supports the U. S. Relationship with Israel. Education policies and control should be at the local level. Governor Huckabee also wants the United States to rein in spending levels in a responsible way.

Additional details can be found by searching the web pages prepared for his 2016 campaign. His policies are not ivory tower philosophy. Instead, they are tried and tested during his years as Governor of Arkansas.

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