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You Will Find That The Internet Sites You Link To Will Make A Difference

By Elton Brown

When it comes to getting better search engine rankings and also a better page rank, everything about your website will count. I am certain you already know that you have to have your website targeted with particular keywords. You probably also know that developing links to your site will also be able to help you increase your search engine rankings along with your pagerank. There is however an additional factor that many people never think about about their site and their ranking.

There are numerous aspects used by Google to figure out a websites position and while some are recognized there are many that are not. One of the aspects that are known is that depending on what web pages your site links to can have a good or bad effect on how well your web page is listed in the results. Allow me to make clear how this works. Lets just point out that you have a link on your website pointing to a site that Google has banned from their particular results. When Google spiders your web page and follows the link you have directed to the other web page, Google will think that you're in bed with the other web page that they previously banned. Now you will discover that Google, having already banned the one website may take your site and remove it from their results, or perhaps worse they might end up banning your site as well.

But this in addition works the other way around. I've in fact tested this theory out frequently on many of my websites. The result for every website I tried this on resulted in better rankings each time for each website I did this with. There was no established boost, as a number of sites would move only a number of placements while other sites would jump pages at one time.

The quickest way to do this will be to simply embed a link from a You Tube video right into your site. Using this method not only are you generating a link to You Tube a website that Google owns, but you are also adding video to your content which Google additionally loves. Yet another thing you can do is to just add a direct link right back to Google's home page. Making use of these little techniques you'll find that your search engine positioning will rise in about a week or so.

Once more, you'll have to be mindful who you link to. When anyone ever wants to swap links with you, the first thing you will want to do is to see if that site is indexed in Google. The Internet site itself may have been banned from the Google search engine, which is the reason why it is not indexed. This may on the other hand not be the reason why, because if this site is a new site it is possible that Google just has not discovered the Internet site yet. In any event the link will not be doing you any good so don't exchange links with websites that are not indexed in Google.

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