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Should I Use Press Releases To Market My Business?

By Kareem Renada

Businesses and consumers interact in new ways as a result of internet marketing. You can now interact with anyone, anywhere on the planet using tools like Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter . But just because new technologies have come to the scene, your shouldn't abandon tried and true marketing tools from prior generations .

Like a press release, for instance. While it may be considered an outdated marketing tool by some, the press release is still a smart way to market yourself . To get the most out of your press release, you should consider hiring a professional writer. Here's 4 reasons why your business should publish press releases.

To create a well-written press release, you have to be clear in communicating your message. Being forced to create makes you think in-depth about the ideas you wish to share. A focused and concise press release allows you to preemptively shape the public's perception of your organization in way that new media can't quite duplicate.

Press announcements, when done properly, are often found by major search engines like Yahoo, and will generate targeted visitors to your site. Press releases can also provide you a lot of back-linking juice when published to respected wire services.

A news release allows you to bypass all of the needless politics that often characterizes efforts to get your news posted by some publications. A wire service demonstrates no prejudice in making reports available. Providing the news release is nicely composed and conveys practical information, anyone can make take advantage of it, just by taking it off the news wire.

Press releases live indefinitely. In a landscape of web sites literally disappearing overnight, a press release can provide you endless marketing. As long as your news release has the suitable verbiage and the appropriate focus, you can generate never ending curiosity in your company. But if you want to secure that long-term attention, you must use a specialist writing service like

For decades now the press release has long been a staple of marketing strategies around the globe; don't forget to use it as a component of your own marketing strategy.


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