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Getting Targeted Traffic With SEO

By Manny Rutz

Most website owners who are just starting up are more than happy to simply market using paid-for ads and articles, and they simply cross their fingers that these methods will be effective. In the short-term, some of these methods might actually work for a while, but in the end organic search engine listings are always the best bet. Search engine optimization can really benefit any website's visibility and lead to long-term success. The advice showcased in this article can help an site owner successfully increase the marketability of their website using free traffic from the search engines.

Link building strategies change all the time, but because search engines are now focused on great content you should try to create quality content so you can ask other site owners in your niche to link to you. If they like and find your content useful they most likely will be happy to link to your page. Backlinks from .edu and .org sites are great sources to help you get better rankings because they consider this type of links very powerful.

A great way to get started with backlinks is utilizing article networks and directories to not only generate quality traffic but also unique backlinks. This also a good way to bring some targeted traffic since you'll be submitting content targeting your niche. Web 2.0 properties are also great to create powerful backlinks, places like squidoo, hubpages and a few others can help you get an initial SEO push.

One of the things that can really help you get better rankings is gaining social signals, this means having people share your content because they find value in it. Social signals are important along with great content and Google loves social signals from bookmarking sites and social networks. Another factor is on-site optimization, having proper meta tags and titles along with keyword optimized content.

If you are not on the first page of Google yet try focusing on building traffic using social networks and article directories, usually you'll find targeted traffic from those sources and they might even link to your content if it's good. In the end natural backlinking strategies are the best ones and work much faster than buying junk links.

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