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Can You Make Money Blogging?

By Saleem Rana

Blogging originated as a tool for people to share their experiences and express their emotions about something, but in recent years it has been recognized as a powerful tool by Internet markets who now make money by blogging. In fact, it has helped many make huge sums of money every month.

A blog is an abbreviation of two words, "web" and "log." Essentially, it's an online journal and can be set up for a small hosting fee or for no cost at all. While many people write blogs for fun, some use blogs to create some serious money.

A blog is a useful and non-pressure way of telling others about your products or your services. By offering advice on something you are an expert in, you are able to advertise your business without sounding pushy. Want to make some money from blogging? Here's how to do it:

Invite your clients or customers to your blog, especially when you add new products or services to it.

Use your blog as a teaching journal, sharing your own growth with others.

Publish your insights instantly and get feedback on your ideas. Blogging can become an interactive enterprise, where you can bounce off ideas with your readers.

When blogging, you can get backlinks that will improve your search engine rankings. There are numerous way to do this like comments, social media, and articles on article directories.

By adding affiliate links to your blog in your reviews or through your banners, you can earn extra income.

Blogs allow you to gauge reader's opinions about your product and give you ideas on how to create something that fulfills a need.

Connect easily with other bloggers. When other bloggers notice that you have something good in your blog, they will put you in their favorite lists which will automatically link you to their blogs.

How Blogs Work

There are numerous ways for you to set up your blog so that you can begin to advertise your products and services, as well as prove that you're an expert in your niche.

A really simple way to set up your blog if you don't want to spend any money on it is to go to a hosting site and follow their simple instructions. and are very popular and have ironed out any glitches in their system. These are very user friendly.

If you're serious about using a blog to earn an income, then WordPress self-hosted blogs are the way to go. WordPress blogs have been designed for serious bloggers, those who are interested in making money by blogging. For one thing, since you host your own blog, nobody can pull it off your page because it violates some rule or other. For another, WordPress blog is very popular with Google, even more popular than their own blog hosting software,

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