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Living Healthy In Brooklyn Is Easier Than You Think

By Ann Sullivan

The amount of people who are overweight or obese has skyrocketed, and with it a huge increase in related diseases. Most people are already at risk for things like cancer or diabetes based on family history, and being unhealthy increases that risk a lot. If you are worried about your overall well being and wish to be more fit or eat better, then there are plenty of resources for living healthy in Brooklyn.

Many people only think of children or adults when they think of healthy living, but healthiness begins before that, before a person is even born. Mothers must take good care of themselves while pregnant, and luckily there are many programs in New York City to help. Healthy Start Brooklyn is one such program, which gives expectant moms educational classes, books, and even home visits to answer any questions during and after pregnancy.

Most major cities have local groups where people meet up on a regular basis to discuss their shared goals when it comes to healthy living, and provide assistance and encouragement to one another in achieving them. To find some in Brooklyn, all you have to do is search the internet, which has information on many of these groups. You can find general ones, or more specific ones like groups for runners, vegans, cooking and more.

Many markets and services offer premade healthy meals, but these can be really expensive. If you want to save money but eat healthy, you should learn to cook. Signing up for a local healthy cooking class can give you the skills you need to eat well on a budget.

You can exercise at home to get or stay fit, but it is far more enjoyable and much more social to join a gym. You get access to all the latest equipment, and possibly other great amenities like swimming pools, saunas for muscle relief, and even rock climbing walls in some cases. Or you can join one that focuses on a specific disciplines such as boxing or Pilates.

If fresh air is preferable to you over the indoor gyms, then you can make all the local parks and public spaces your gym instead. Brighton Beach Park lets you run or jog on the sand while enjoying the waterfront view and sea air. Prospect Park is great for bikers or joggers as well. And you can walk the entire Brooklyn Bridge starting from the nearby park, which also gives you a great view of this very famous New York landmark.

If you are elderly or having grandparents who are aging and need help staying healthy, then consider joining a local senior group. There are government sponsored senior living programs to help older folks get some exercise so they can feel young again and feel good.

Of course, one of the best ways to stay healthy in Brooklyn is to ditch your car or subway pass and bike it across town. Citi Bike has bikes that you can rent and return to any station, anywhere in New York City, including Queens, Manhattan and more. You can purchase single day or multiday passes in advance, and all you need is a helmet to travel and get some fresh air.

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