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Top Seven Tools Used For Free Concept Map Maker Tasks

By Carl Young

At present day, a person has numerous programs and shareware systems that are easily accessible and very convenient for all types of tasks and responsibilities. As a result of its emergence, some tasks and duties in particular professions are easier to accomplish in a short time frame compared to the past. An effective and simple means of coming up with new ideas is by creating a mind map. This contains many sub thoughts that are relevant to the big picture and is utilized in many applications and industries today.

This is an efficient way to organize your thoughts and to come up with new concepts for certain projects or ventures. While this can be done manually by using a pencil and paper, various platforms have made it easier to do so by using their program. For more information about this, continue reading this article to uncover the top free concept map maker tools to use for your next project.

For users who prefer using website platforms as opposed to downloading the necessary content or program will like Coggle and all its attributes. Coggle has a high amount of users because it is highly functional and convenient to access. Its nicely designed user interface allows you to post comments, add different shades to specific labels, and even allows users to message each other within the site.

Mind Mapple is available in various platforms, including those who wish to access it through a web browser instead of downloads, which takes up a lot of space. It has many features that users enjoy, like being able to integrate cloud sharing properties and integrating Google drive. Due to this, sharing files is easier than ever and also allows you to bookmark nodes for future reference and labeling each one.

Nova Mind is another application that is easily accessible and marked by its user friendly properties. Unlike the other tools on this list though, it has a tutorial feature that can be turned on or off depending upon your personal preference. The tutorial mode offers useful tips for making use of all its available features, paired with the fact that it is speedy and does not require any special add ons to function properly.

Text2Mindmap is a popular app for many professionals and has become a main stay in this particular regard. As what you have probably amassed from its name, the app allows you to jot down your thoughts or ideas in a text format, which can then be applied to a typical mind map complete with nodes and branches. One of the main reasons why men and women prefer using it is its simplicity and speed.

Blumind is most known for three key features that it possesses. This includes the fact that it is functional, has a high level of portability, and does not cost any amount. The entire application can be downloaded for free from their site and it has a timer tool. This is useful for setting deadlines and avoiding delays in terms of submissions or revision work.

For those looking for a more collaborative and creative feel, consider using Sketchboard instead. It has cute and unique graphics that one can apply and it allows multiple users to access it in real time. One may avail of its free version, which expires after five years. After which, one is given the option of purchasing it use all its other available attributes. It also allows one to download the created board in differing formats, including PNG and in PDF.

Visual Understanding Environment or more popularly known as VUE is the last addition to this list. While developed and released in 2017, it has already been update with new additional attributes. It also has many options for saved files, like PDFs and HTML files.

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