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Tips In Becoming Like Chief Steve McCullough

By Deborah Wallace

Not everybody is fit to be this kind of leader. However, if you have received this calling, then simply do everything you can in helping someone see the good in life. Keep them away from their vices and suicidal thoughts. Become responsible for them and realize that you are strong enough to revive someone who wants to end everything.

You should live the values of Christ in your life. Just like Sundance Chief Steve McCullough, you have to be able to live by example. If not, then you will never have a decent group of followers. Just be naturally good and you shall be able to convert more people along the way. Let this be your main mission in life.

Be kind to everyone you meet. When you begin to do things without expecting anything in return, then that is when you could handle the personalities of all your followers. You can never shape them into perfect individuals. What you can do is to bring Christ into their lives which would inspire them to be good most of the time.

Let them decide what their purpose in this world will be. In that scenario, you are still allowing them to hold on to that main control in their life. Never form them into someone who is ideal but a foreigner to their own eyes. Just help them grow spiritually and everything else shall follow in here.

You must get to know everything about them. They may be hesitant to answer personal questions at first but give them time. They came to you for guidance and you can only do this when you hit them where they are secretive about. Allow them to admit things which they have never said out loud before.

The transformation which they have to go through is something that must not to be forced. Simply make an effort in putting yourself in their shoes. If you will force them into another box, then they will never know their true potential and how they can be a better child of God at the same time. Just become inspiring instead.

Just manage to be physically and emotionally present during your sessions. When they see that you are giving them everything you got, then they shall eventually do the same. That is essential when all of you need to stand firm in a generation that is full of temptations. It may not be the easiest thing to do but when you stand as one, then miracles can happen.

You should know their deepest secrets. That is the only way that one will be able to help them. Spend time outside of the sessions and make them look at you as a vulnerable human being as well.

Overall, just make sure that you are ready for all the challenges that this role can bring. It may get tougher depending on your follower but you can make it. Just believe in the Grace of God and manage to take things one step at a time. Do not rush anyone into total conversion and lose them.

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