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The Advantages And Disadvantages Of A Brainstorming Graphic Organizer

By Thomas Edwards

The current digital world has brought effective advancement not only in the business and health sectors but also in education. From dictating of notes, teachers now make use of graphic organizers to design more suitable teaching aids that enable students to grasp information quickly. The use of visuals such as diagrams and maps has also become part of student's learning, and it is fun to learn the digital way. Considered as an effective learning strategy, the use of brainstorming graphics has been extended to different curriculum areas. Here are the top benefits of brainstorming graphic organizer in a classroom.

It is an effective way of engaging students in learning. Visual images or drafts attract the attention of learners, and they are likely to get information fast. With a majority of learners being able to use graphic organizers, they are able to assemble their thoughts. Hence, they will not tire learning a series of content. Also, graphic organizers make it easy for students to classify content making assignments less challenging.

Exposing students to graphics and allowing them to complete tasks, discloses learner in obtaining skills for using these learning techniques. For instance, if they get difficulties in doing the assignment the first day of their use, the next time they use graphics they will be creative enough to invent more tricks of doing tasks. Moreover, it allows them to acquire knowledge from their mistakes.

It is also an ideal way of improving understanding. A picture depicts a lot, and one can tell what is illustrated through visuals even before you get to read the main content. It is for the same reason that you will find many pictures in a textbook. They allow students to get the general overview of what they are taught in class and create memorability and understanding.

Moreover, they nurture retention. When you have a clear picture of what you have learned in mind, then it becomes easy even to deliver the same message when the time comes. Although the brain can absorb both reading and visuals, graphics are easy to remember as most of them are systematically organized.

They improve the status of learners as they experience improvement day by day. You can never lack some students with learning disabilities in class. Most of them understand their notes better through relating them to the provided graphics. As such, it boosts their achievement enabling them to remain at the same level with their classmates. Furthermore, it upturns the general rank of the class.

Above all, graphic organizers hinder students from participating in notes taking during the class. They concentrate more on visual representations rather than engaging in both writing and seeing. Consequently, they lack reference materials for learning which can affect their exam performances. Therefore, teachers should encourage students to partake in all styles which in return have great impacts.

Another setback is in response to answers to the students. Most instructors assume that all students are smart in using graphics and when they pose answers they expect the students to get answers from their class members. This leaves out other students confused. But in the real sense, a good instructor ought to provide feedback on the graphics.

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