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Methods To Get Natural Oral Care For Your Family

By George Bell

Going to the dentist can be an expensive and nerve wracking experience. You may not want to subject yourself, your family, or your budget to it just to get a clean and healthy mouth. You might not have to visit the dentist more than once or twice a year when you know how to create natural oral care remedies in the comforts of your home. You may have most of the supplies you need on hand already.

Simple products like baking soda could aid you in the battle against infectious agents in the mouth and gums. Baking soda is scientifically proven to neutralize acid and eliminate some types of bacteria and viruses. Further, many toothpaste makers already include soda as an ingredient in their products.

If you do not have a toothpaste with baking soda in it, you can make your own at home. To make the soda paste, you mix one or two teaspoons of baking soda with two or three teaspoons of water. You then use it to brush onto your teeth and gums. It gets rid of stains and whitens the enamel safely without being abrasive or harsh.

Soda is not the most pleasant tasting substance, however. Kids in particular do not like the taste of it. To encourage them to give it a try, parents like you sometimes mix in cinnamon or peppermint oil. This concoction makes a safe paste that your kids can brush with to keep their mouths clean. The paste also does not taste terrible.

Hydrogen peroxide also does not taste very pleasant. Still, it has legitimate medical and dental uses that make it highly recommended by many healthcare professionals. Your own dentist might tell you to swish with it to kill bacteria that cause abscesses and bad breath. You only need a cap full of peroxide. If you use too much, you could get sick.

After you have a tooth pulled, your dentist may tell you to swish with salt water. Salt water is made by mixing a teaspoon of salt into four ounces of warm water. When you rinse with it, it targets bacteria and viruses that cause infection in sensitive tissue. It can also stop bleeding and help clotting after a tooth extraction. It is one of the better known at-home remedies recommended by dentists.

Why would you want to use any of these at-home choices to improve the look and feel of your mouth? You might have adverse reactions to some medications that are sold over-the-counter or by prescription. Medicines like penicillin, which is also utilized to heal infections, can cause reactions like swelling and hives. When you utilize homeopathic remedies, you might avoid reactions that range from upset stomach to vomiting or severe allergies. They are safer for younger children too in some instances.

Your kitchen and bathroom may contain most of the supplies you need to make natural solutions that you can use for oral care purposes. They are typically low cost and simple. However, they have the ability to improve the condition of your mouth and help you heal after some types of dental procedures like an extraction.

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