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Invaluable Insights When Intending To Buy Or Lease Copiers Chicago

By Janet Russell

If you are in the market for a copier and you are not sure whether you should purchase one or lease one, then you need to do some initial research to determine all the various options available. There are many copier manufacturers and dozens of models to choose from. Each model has different features and functions, some of which are difficult to understand unless you are a technical wizard. It is important to perform your due diligence and research the most cost effective alternatives and determine what will best fit your needs in order to find a copier to lease or purchase. Following is a guide on how to efficiently buy or lease copiers Chicago.

By choosing an energy star copier, you'll be saving on electricity costs. It would seem that if you do not have a high print or copy ratio in your office, leasing copiers may be a more feasible and practical approach to your photocopying and printing needs. Following is a guide on how to effectively analyze a buy or hire agreement and settle for the most feasible option.

Is there any hidden costs? The initial cost of printers may be reasonably inexpensive but the maintenance cost and the cost of consumables plays an important part in budgetary decisions. Research shows that 40% to 45% of total cost of ownership goes toward consumables and servicing and 55% to 60% is down to manageability and reliability.

Instead of researching all the different types of photocopiers on the market and the different hire scenarios, perhaps your time would be better spent trying to find a company with experience in establishing and negotiating photocopier contract, maintenance and service agreements. Experts like these can help you find not only the right photocopier equipment to meet your needs but also help you determine the right leasing and service agreements to meet your budget and needs.

Which business would benefit most from a photocopier hire? Business that makes more than 700 copies a month would do well to invest in a copy machine lease. An important aspect to take into account with a copier lease is that the price of the monthly rental increases with the amount of prints or copies made. It is therefore important to approximate your monthly copy and print volume as precisely as possible to predict your monthly budget.

What should I do next? Photocopier companies normally provide free advice on purchasing, so if you're still not entirely sure on what kind of copier machine to go for, it's probably best to contact your local dealer and hopefully they should give free information without trying to persuade you to a sales deal.

There are even some clauses that will impact your future pricing and limitations for usage that can ultimately hamper your business. So a company specializing in matching the right contract to your specific requirements can save you time and money.

In a nutshell, ensure to analyze your service needs, your outstanding cash-flow and the available options when making the lease/purchase decision.

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