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Comparing Snapchat And Instagram Stories, With Long Island SEO

By Paula Hess

Instagram and Snapchat are among the most popular social media platforms used for personal reasons. One of the many reasons for this is their inclusion of Stories, which are series of photos and videos meant to display narratives. However, the ways that Instagram Stories are structured seem to be different than Snapchat Stories. For a better understanding of the differences between them, here is some useful information from Long Island SEO specialists.

The content of Snapchat and Instagram Stories differ in a few ways. According to companies like fishbat, Snapchat Stories seem to be taken in the moment, which makes sense given how immediate photos and videos are on this platform. Instagram Stories are longer-lasting by comparison, meaning that they can be preserved like pieces of history. While Snapchat focuses on immediacy, Instagram is comparatively more long-term.

Customization is another talking point where Instagram and Snapchat Stories seem to stand on different sides. If you have ever used Snapchat, you know that it comes with filters and the ability to draw. While these are fun, Instagram's features seem to be more complex, adding more in the way of drawing tools in order to help its Stories stand out. For those who want customization, it's in your best interest to evaluate both of these options.

Snapchat and Instagram Stories differ when it comes to the audiences being targeted, too. For example, Snapchat Stories are designed to reach those you have added to the app as your friends. Instagram Stories are broader in terms of who they reach, which means that you can appeal to comparatively more people. In any event, it's important to implement both tools so that you get the most bang for your proverbial buck.

Hopefully this information has given you a better understanding of how Instagram and Snapchat Stories differ from one another. It's hard to say if one should be used over the other, meaning that it's in your best interest to cover both sides of the equation. By doing so, you'll be able to expand your reach to more people. When it comes to Internet marketing as we know it today, reaching as many people as possible is paramount.

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