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Key Points To Consider When Communicating With Your Colleagues

By Nancy Sullivan

Working in an office with other people can sometimes be frustrating, particularly if there are important discussions where your points are just not getting through to your colleagues. Whether your intended message was delivered orally or through other channels like memos or emails, there needs to be a distinctive clarity to how you communicate in order for others to understand your viewpoints. Check out the details featured below for more handy information.

The first thing that you need to cross off your list is to understand the proper use and etiquette of communication devices being used within your workplace. From managing office email accounts to operating Avaya San Diego phone units, you should be up to speed with such details. This ensures that you have full awareness of how to relay information via technology.

The key to making yourself fully understood when you are speaking to another person is by displaying the right body language. A good example of this technique is by practicing your facial expressions to convey emotions that match your statements. Furthermore, you will appear more present, engaged, and attentive if you initiate eye contact for most of the conversation.

Text based information can sometimes be misconstrued by receivers if the message contained within a memo or email is not properly worded or phrased. To avoid this unfortunate scenario, you must stick to the basic points and be specific with your writing as opposed to being vague. In this fashion, people will surely get the idea and will not jump to any incorrect conclusions.

Nothing is more frustrating than receiving messages or instructions that are ambiguous. Most people cannot even complete their jobs for the day if there is any directive that does not explicitly tell them what they must do. Whenever possible, you must be fully transparent with your words and eliminate any inessential things that are not central to your intended points.

Because people have different beliefs revolving around things like religion, politics, or other social matters, you must be sensitive to the worldviews of others. While it is okay to express your opinion, it is another thing entirely to force your opinions towards others who might not feel the same way as you do. Respecting boundaries should be something you must remember.

Honesty really is the best policy, but sometimes hearing the truth can really hurt when the outcome is not particularly good. That being said, you should consider delivering truthful statements as gently as possible, especially if the news is really bad. Try not to sugarcoat things and show a high degree of empathy to let others know you can relate to how they are feeling.

Active listening is the key to comprehending the most basic statements and ensuring that the speaker does not need to repeat himself. Be engaged during conversations as this will prompt your coworker to respond accordingly and be more specific with their thoughts and expressions. Communication is a two way street, so do your part in making sure that discussions are great.

The mere act of talking or composing messages can be tough to manage in a corporate environment. But as long as you adhere to these useful pieces of advice, you should have no problems whatsoever with communicating like a true working professional. Maintain a positive perspective on things and open your mind to new possibilities that will come your way.

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