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Essential Information On The Use Of Menstrual Cups

By Amy Thomas

For over years, pads or tampons have been used by women for purposes of collecting blood and protection of their clothes throughout their monthly periods. Nevertheless, there are other quite reliable ways of keeping woman comfortable and clean. This involves using menstrual cups. The cups are used in a similar way as the tampons but collect rather than absorbing. The cup is reusable and long lasting even though some are disposable.

The flexible menstrual cup is usually made of latex rubber or silicone. The cup can be used throughout the cycle but need to be changed more often especially on a heavy flow day to avoid leaking. The cup should be removed after every 12 hours or in the case of leakage. Once the monthly period is over, the cup may be sterilized to be used in the next monthly period if it is not disposable.

Some huge gains can be attributed to a menstrual cup. To begin with, they present more convenience as compared to conventional tampons and pads. This is for the reason that a cup may be worn during the night and not distress about changing it, and may be over a long duration of close to 12 hours without draining as opposed to the pads and tampons. Additionally, they offer convenience to individuals with flows that are heavy as well as individuals who want to travel for it is easily packed.

The cup also offers some health benefits in comparison to sanitary products that are disposable. This is for the reason that a cup possesses no injurious substances that may include fragrances as well as chlorine. In addition, they cause no allergies and thus suitable for women with dermatitis, latex allergies or sensitive skin. They also have no absorption agents and this keeps away dryness of the vagina, are easy to clean and sterilize.

These cups are also economical and promote a green environment. This is because the cups are designed to last longer and for years, lowering the cost in the long-term as there is no need to keep buying a new cup like other sanitary products. Also, since they are reusable there is less waste, thereby promoting a clean environment.

Contrasted against the other sanitary items, they are able to retain a lot more liquid. Essentially, a normal pad holds between six and nine grams of fluid. On the contrary, a menstrual cup holds up to five times this amount. This makes it preferable to individuals experiencing heavy flows.

The way a menstrual cup function isnot complex. As the period begins, a cup is put in folds before being inserted just like a pad but with no applicators. When inserted in the right way, one needs not to feel it. This can be compared to placing diaphragms or even rings for purposes of birth control into position.

Once inserted, it open up and rests on the vaginal walls even though it may first be rotated, and forms some seal so that it prevent any leakages. In removal of the cup, one simply pulls the sticking-out stem at its bottom, then pinching the base, the seal is released. If a cup can be reusable, it is emptied and washed in water with soap. A non-reusable cup however is simply disposed and replaced with a new one.

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