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Use Moon Cups Instead Of Pads Or Tampons

By Carolyn Phillips

Discovery of menstrual cups will be an exciting moment for you. Many ladies are familiar with having to look in their tampon boxes for a fresh tampon. Some people consider this alternative though with some uncertainty. Moon cups have several benefits to offer. Enjoyable experiences have been had by those using the product. The good thing about the cup is that it is simple to use. You should try the new invention and enjoy its benefits.

Menstrual cups are used during menstruation period. The important step is that you should insert it in the vagina. This will enable the cup to collect the fluid. In the case of tampons and pads, they get rid of the fluid by absorption while here fluid is collected. Maintaining of good hygiene is a benefit to enjoy from the menstrual hygiene products in addition to safety. The growth of bacteria is not associated with usage of the menstrual hygiene products. Furthermore, you will enjoy easy cleaning of the vagina. Leakage is one thing that is not experienced with the product. You can use it for twelve hours. Those who are actively involved in sports, this is the ideal product to use during menses.

There has been research that has been carried out recently which indicated that absorption of blood by tampons might not be helpful. This is a shortcoming that has been addressed by moon cup. This is because it collects the blood from your body.

There are different products that are used by women during menstruation. However, these products are not effective in providing comfort and convenience. The safety that is enjoyed when using the menstrual hygiene products is making them popular. This is something which is limited when using tampons. For the nature lover, this is the product to use since it does not cause any dangers to the environment.

A menstrual cup is a little soft cup developed from medicinal grade silicone. It is placed inside the vagina and instead of absorbing the fluid during menses it collects it. Some of the benefits provided by the product include environmentally friendly, cheap, ethical and safe. This means that when you start using the product, you might not consider using pads or tampons again.

The fascinating aspect about menstrual cups is that they are not a recent innovation. Just like tampons, they have existed for quite some time. The reason why tampons are popular is that the large companies spent quite a huge amount of cash in their marketing strategy. This led to many women purchasing the tampons. With the increased tampons popularity, many people were not familiar with menstrual hygiene products.

A common misconception is that tampons or pads which are disposable sanitary products are the only choices to go for. The disadvantage of the option is that women do not get to understand the structure of their body. One thing that you will enjoy with the menstrual hygiene products is that you familiarize with your anatomy.

Ladies are involved in busy schedules of their daily activities in the current world. Thus, they should be comfortable even when on their periods. This is important so that they can actively participate in their activities. The modern woman should use menstrual hygiene products.

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