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The Importance Of Artists And Illustrators In The Production Of Animation Films

By Timothy Olson

Man has had a passion for art since time immemorial. As such he has gone long strides to produce fine art with the use of various tools such as pencils or paint brushes. His illustrations and art work are quite similar as they involve drawing but are distinguished by the material used as output . For instance, art work involves the uses of canvass material to lay down work while illustrations involve the use of books, visual media or even magazines. This article aims at expounding on the importance of Artists and Illustrators in the production of animation films.

Going further deep, art work involves a various forms of activities such as creation of original work, practice of art as well as demonstrations that depict real aspects possessed by characters. Art mainly portrays characters that are still while illustrations portray characters performing various acts along the storyline.

Both art and illustrations are vital when producing animation films. Firstly, an artist is responsible for creation of characters that are the backbone of any animation film. Alternatively, it is their mandate to create various specific features about their character such as height and facial features. Meanwhile, an illustrator has a duty of utilizing the drawn character in relation to the plot of the narrative. This will make it much easier for the audience to understand the subject matter of the animation film.

Production of art also involves creation of scenery that accompanies the characters. Illustration on the other hand adopts the use of emotions that give a vivid description of what these characters are experiencing at a particular moment. Illustrations capture emotions such as happiness, sadness, sorrow as well as anger. Creation of emotions within character helps the audience realize that the characters feel emotions just as humans hence end up sympathizing with them . This creates a bond between such characters and the audience which further increases the chance so the audience liking the character.

Production of illustrations is the basis on which sounds or voices are utilized by these characters. For instance, male characters are depicted to have deeper voices while female characters are portrayed to have softer voices to emphasize their female traits. Illustrations also involve coming up with sounds to reveal the state of affairs during certain scenes. For example, it is necessary to play a happy tune when characters are in a happy mood. When there is a sad scene, then it is necessary to play a sad tune to indicate an atmosphere filled with sorrow.

Artists are responsible for capturing every aspect relating to a character within the film. Objects being used by the characters should also be captured as they probably play a role along the storyline of the narrative. For instance various objects held or worn should be captured as they narrate unique qualities about the specific character.

It is important that directors are notified during production phase concerning the movement of characters as per the illustrations. If the characters are performing specific acts such as running, then they should be captured so as not to contradict with the original story.

Art work and illustrations play a significant role as described from the above excerpt. They provide a basis for the creation of animation films from the original characters. Their inputs as well as opinions are vital to the success of any animation film. As such, their input should be incorporated when producing the film to ensure it does not become a failure.

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