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Top Tips For Choosing The Best TV Box Android

By Olive Pate

If you are shopping for an android TV box, there are several important facts you would need to get right in order to find a suitable product. To begin with, you need to know that there are numerous products in the market, though not all of them would be a perfect fit for your needs. It pays to begin your shopping after you have identified your needs in order to know the features to look for in the best TV box android.

One of the prime aspects to consider during research is the performance of various products. This is the principle factor that would determine the rates of the vast range of boxes you find. What you must do is identify the options at your disposal and trim down your options based on the features of different products and also your budget.

When defining your needs, you ought to figure out whether you want to watch movies, stream videos, play games or do all of the above. What you must know is that each product you can find would come with particular benefits. If you do not want a one fit all kind of box, then finding one that is particularly ideal for what you want will be crucial.

One of the most important qualities to look for in a worthwhile product is the RAM capacity. This is basically one of the features that what would dictate the capabilities of a specific device. The basic option to consider should have at least 1GB RAM capacity. You should also consider the connectivity of a device in terms of the number of jack and USB ports available.

Streaming is currently the in-thing. With the ideal product, you can stream football, series and movies online. For this, you will want a product that has a reliable processor. A 4-core GPU and RAM of at least 2GB will be ideal. For games, you would need an Android TV box that allows you to access Bluetooth or has an OTG port where you could connect your game pads. For this 1GB RAM and 4-core GPU would be perfect.

A box that could handle all these tasks would certainly need to be powerful. In this case, you may want to go for products that have an 8-core GPU and nothing less than 2GB RAM. Then again, you ought to ensure that your product has either Bluetooth or an OTG port and at least two USB ports.

With technology at its height, new android inventions are being made with every passing day. You would have a huge selection of great products at your disposal. Take time to shop around and find out what you could get in terms of the abilities and features of various boxes.

You would benefit a lot from working with dealers who know their products well. Such experts could dispense advice that would enable you to make an excellent choice. It is also important to choose a dealer who has a suitable selection of products that you could check out before deciding what to buy.

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