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How A Vority DUO31CC Can Save Lives

By Johny Jacson

Looking for a dual USB car charger? Isn't it a hassle when your mobile device such as a tablet PC or a smartphone runs out of battery power and you're away from home?

Well, the good news is you don't have to worry about that. There is a device that will let you recharge your mobile devices' batteries on the go. You can get your devices up and running again even while on the road. It's better to have your mobile devices working when you are. Car chargers will let you do just that.

Or it can be extremely worrisome if you badly need to get in touch with someone. In such situations, you can be saved by a dual USB car charger.

Car chargers are not really new. Back in the time before smartphones became popular, phones can be charged using a specialized charger that is plugged into a car's cigarette lighter socket.

Even within the United States, getting lost or stuck somewhere with a broken car is never inevitable anytime of the day.

Here are the technical specifications of this charger:

* It has an input voltage specified at DC 10.5V-18V. Input method is direct cigarette car lighter connection.

* The output is set as follows: Minimum at 5.0V and maximum at 5.3V; Full rated 3.1 Amp - one 2.1-Amp USB port and one 1-Amp USB Port; Quick Charging of 15.5W; Ripple and Noise maximum at 150mVp-p.

But if you own several devices, it will do you good to take a look at different types so you can find something that can be good for all of them like a dual USB car charger.

One such charger is the Vority Duo31CC Fast and Smart USB Car Charger.

So for those always travelling, it may be best for them to invest in a good dual USB car charger.

* Working condition vibration proof passes the IEC 721-3-3 3M3 5-9 Hz on conditions as follows: 1.5mm altitude & 9-200Hz at acceleration of 5m/s2.

* LED indicator.

* Transportation shock and vibration proof passed IEC 721-3-2 2M2.

The charger also has two USB ports which mean if you have two devices in need of charging, you don't need to wait for one to finish. You can plug in a tablet and a phone for simultaneous charging.

It is smart because it has capabilities which automatically set charging speeds according to the status of the device.

In this way, devices are protected from power surges and overheating. These chargers, too, are resistant to extreme weather conditions, so users won't have to worry about leaving it inside a hot car.

The first is the "fast" part. It has a rapid charging start-up time side by side with high speed performance and high charging efficiency rate. It has two ports that enable simultaneous charging of 2 individual devices

Next is the "smart" part. The ports are compatible with many variants of mobile devices like iPhones, iPads, and Android devices. The dual USB charger keeps your devices safe from overcharging with over current and over voltage safeguards. Your device and the charger itself do not heat up and the charger switches to minimal charging current when the battery is full.

It also has an LED indicator to let you know that charging is finished.

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