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Savvy Ways To Keep Crooks Away From Your Business

By Mark Mahaffey

Have you ever thought about how a burglar looks at your business? When you look at your business, it looks different than it does when a burglar sees it. In fact, it might surprise you to learn what he sees. Because there is so much crime in our country, it is shocking that so few people put forth the effort to make their businesses more secure.

Are you willing to put some effort into making your business more secure? You can decrease the odds that you will suffer a criminal mishap if you will take some time and energy and change your business security plan. It's worth avoiding a break-in!

For example, when a crook sees your business, he looks for things that will make his job easier. Burglars choose businesses that they can break into relatively easily, so that they can get in and get out fast-before they are caught or noticed. And they do not choose the businesses they break into at random: they will spend time checking out neighborhoods and businesses before they decide on one to rob.

What about your landscaping? If there are large plants or trees outside your building, you are compromising your business security! A robber can climb a tree to get to upstairs windows, or he can get behind a big bush to stay out of sight of passers-by or police. Consider pruning your landscaping if it has grown out of control.

Think about your windows and doors. Do they have strong locks? Do you keep them locked? It is not unheard of for a criminal to break into a business simply by entering through a door or window that someone has left unlocked!

Did you know that a smart way to increase your business security is by putting in good security lights? Robbers love dark areas, so you can make your business less inviting if you put lots of strong lights around it. He may decide to pass your business by and not break in!

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