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Characteristics Of An IT Strategy

By Sasha Halloway

In this age and era of technology, organizations embrace the role of IT in the management of their operations. However, in order for IT professionals to correctly provide the required support, they need to have an IT strategy. In the next section, we look at how this critical strategy/plan should be made so that it works to serve its purpose.

For those who do not know already, this plan is the comprehensive plan that the professionals in the IT field would use to guide the organization to meet its goals and objectives. It should be comprehensive as defined to cover every facet of technology management in the organization. Technology drives almost everything within the organization, so the strategy should bear that in mind.

Experts in the IT field are the best suited people to implement the plan. They need to stay on top of it, for it to succeed. They collaborate with other members of the organization who are involved in planning to put together this important plan. They involve all departments including business, legal, budget departments and user groups.

The experts would also ensure that the extensive plan addresses management of costs, risks, human capital, hardware and software. They will ensure that it is written so it is formal and easy to follow. Since they are in charge, they will take their time to see that every aspect of the document is as extensive to meet the needs of the organization.

However, it is important to remember that a great plan is one that is flexible. Flexibility may be handy especially since the circumstances of an organization are bound to change from time to time and the flexible plan would allow for changes. Flexibility may also come in handy where there are budgetary constraints and so adjustments and changes are necessitated. Still, new technology can emerge and so there would be need for flexibility to change.

By opting for a flexible plan, you shall have made a good decision as many factors would necessitate some change. Ensure that the plan matches the kind of expertise that you have within the organization. You don't want to have what would not work. Besides, if the plan is flexible then you can always modify it to match what you have at any given time.

Time also brings better understanding to user needs and business objectives. As such, a plan like this may need to be adjusted to match this new understanding. This can only be where the strategy is flexible to allow changes. The idea is that business priorities should always be the prime concern when setting up the plan.

There are bound to be many benefits if the IT strategy is formulated well and executed properly. For instance, processes will be automated. In turn, the company efficiency will improve with automation. At the same time employees would be able to work more in that the reports would run fast, queries would be created comfortably, projects would be easily tracked and financials can be accurately monitored. To share in such benefits, you should endeavor to employ professionals in the IT field to help you set up your strategy and roll it out for you.

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