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Allowing A Social Marketing Coach To Take Control Of Console Launches

By Robbie Sutter

I believe that video game consoles today have many aspects to consider, some of which are too intricate for the average consumer to look into. However, it's not nearly as simple as making a purchase without being able to look at all of the background information beforehand. Instead, it is worth making note of the variety of games tied to the console as well as the specs it possesses for better quality. Can a social marketing coach assist launches to make them better than they have been in the past?

Hardware is one of those matters that have a number of problems rooted into it and I believe that it should be tested out as deeply as possible. Otherwise, we may run into another 360 kind of issue when these Xbox consoles would overheat and simply not work anymore. Yes, Microsoft was able to repair the consoles if they broke down during the period of warranty but I have to wonder why this has to be the case. To me, shouldn't such technical errors become more of a focus for companies distributing the machines?

Companies have to be able to account for error; how else are they going to become better in the long run? Games, for example, may start out strong as far as releases are concerned but there always seems to be a period of drought that consoles reach. Why is it that these releases appear to trickle out when they should be more substantial? It's hard to say but one thing remains certain: without games, the consoles on store shelves will not move off of them.

I believe that a social marketing coach is useful for a number of reasons, one of them being the focus on content. It doesn't matter how many technical problems come to the surface if there are not experiences to be had on them. You want to be able to purchase a console that boasts the most attractive line of games you can imagine. Content is vital in this line of work, as names such as S-M-M-C will be able to relay to you as well.

It seems like there's a lot of excitement to be had with the upcoming consoles and for good reasons. There's always going to be a rivalry between companies in this line of work and I believe that it is healthy for the sake of better content to come to the surface. However, certain problems may come about, which is unfortunate for those who are looking to make the most out of their game boxes of sorts. A social marketing coach may be able to target such matters.

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