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Design Tips To Create Your First Site

By Manny Rutz

People who are new to web designing need to know about some basic guidelines that can help them to create a good website. This article is perfect for those who are new as it contains all the necessary basic tips. You can learn a lot from the information provided in the article.

The reason for choosing this category is that you do not have any prior information about the visitors that your site will attract and through this you can keep away from overpaying and underpaying. It is very essential to include details about yourself in the category of 'About us' page .This also includes the aim and objective of the designer so this section should be given most importance and it should be attractive.

The most secret weapon to make it impressive is to incorporate the details in an interesting way so that the visitors might not get bored. The viewer wants to know about the personal background of the designer and by whom he is inspired to adopt this field. So, try to provide all the relevant information that your visitors love to read.

Be careful in using the different colors in your site that are neither so bright nor so dull. It should be selected in such a way that draws attention of the viewers and they can easily read the contents that they want to view. Besides this, be careful in using text color. It is preferable to choose dark color font with lighter background.

As mentioned earlier, the beginner's should learn the basic concept and idea in order to create the successful site that functions appropriately. There is a huge amount of information available regarding this field. The article above will provide a guideline for the trainees to prosper in designing their own website.

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