Yesterday AVG released its 2012 products for Antivirus, Antivirus Free and Internet Security with the addition of AVG Advisor, so far AVG 2012 is faster and doesn’t slow down your system with number of process running related to AVG reduced when compared to 2011. If you’ve installed AVG 2012 and not satisfied with its performance here is how to uninstall AVG 2012 from your Computer with the help of AVG 2012 Removal tool, if routine uninstall procedure from add/remove programs doesn’t work..
Uninstalling AVG 2012
1. Close Browser windows or any applications if running.
2. Open Control Panel> click Programs, open Program and Features
3. Select AVG 2012 in the installed programs list and click Uninstall button
4. AVG Software Installer window appears which shows the options to “remove user settings” and “Remove virus Vault Contents “, select them (don’t select remove user settings, if you plan to reinstall AVG 2012 later) and click “Next” button.
5. AVG 2012 will be uninstalled and you need to restart your Computer by clicking “Restart Now” button after that.
IF you can’t uninstall AVG from Programs and Features
Using AVG 2012 Removal tool
You can use AVG 2012 removal tool which removes all parts of AVG installation in your Computer, this includes: registry items, installation and user files on your hard drive etc. During the uninstallation with the AVG Remover, all AVG user settings will be removed, as well as contents of the Virus Vault and other items related to AVG installation and use.
During the removal procedure, you will be asked to restart your computer. Please make sure to finish your work and to save all important data prior to AVG Removal tool launch.
Download AVG Remover 2012 (32-bit)
Download AVG Remover 2012 (64-bit)
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