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How To Relieve Tight Foreskin Without Surgery

By Barbara Watson

A tight foreskin is also termed phimosis. It is a situation where an individual is unable to retract the foreskin. This leads to numerous complications which include, among others, urinary tract infections and pain. The main form of intervention is circumcision but this may not always be possible due to one reason or the other. There are a number of options used to relieve tight foreskin without surgery.

Phimosis of various degrees can be noted in a majority of infants and toddlers. Fortunately, in most cases, it is transient and lasts just a few days before resolving on its own. This transient type is also referred to as physiological phimosis and is due to the presence of naturally occurring adhesions. It should be contrasted from pathological phimosis caused by infections and trauma.

To deal with the condition one needs to have a proper diagnosis undertaken. Most cases are diagnosed clinically. What this implies is that laboratory and radiological investigations hardly play any role. Such tests may only be necessary when there is a need to assess the extent of complications in patients that have had the problem for a long period of time. It is during the process of diagnosis that a distinction between the pathological and physiological types is made.

There are a number of situations in which circumcision is inappropriate. For instance, if parents feel that the act goes against their cultural practices then another option should be sought. Some people may also decide against the surgery because of the associated risks and cost. Removal of the skin may be harmful due to pre-existing medical conditions. The skin may be needed for the repair of conditions such as epispadias and hypospadias.

Conservative surgery is considered when full removal of the foreskin is not possible. It involves creation of incisions in a manner that preserves most of the skin. The incision are made either on the upper part or on the side. The penis can thus be retracted easily after this procedure. The downside this method is that it predisposes to recurrence of phimosis.

Dilatation and stretching is also effective in many cases. This method entails the stretching of the skin to make it retractable. Some local anesthesia is usually injected into the area to minimize the pain associated with this process. Some advantages associated with this option is that it is cheaper, easier to perform and is associated with less pain when compared to circumcision.

Topical steroids have also been demonstrated to be useful in the management of this problem. This is because they posses analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties. Research shows they also minimize the effect of antibodies in an area of inflammation. The main downside of using them is that they may cause thinning of the foreskin. Additionally, the problem is likely to recur.

Circumcision remains the main form of management for phimosis. Due to the associated costs and complications, a number of people would rather opt for other alternatives. There is a need to have a discussion with your doctor on the merits and demerits of these alternatives before deciding on which of them would work best in a given situation.

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