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Live Auctions, Tips For Beginners

By Walter Williams

A live auction is held in a gallery or salesroom of an auctioneer, and the auctioneer will also be the one who would host the event in real time. The audience is called bidders, and they will be the ones who will be making the bids to get a certain item. There are a lot of Phoenix AZ auctions, so if you are interested to this, joining one is not going to be a problem.

Attend previews. Most individuals specially newbies do not attend the preview of an auction. You must attend it so you have the chance to inspect the items even though you have already seen photos of it on the catalog. Having a closer look is always the best. For items you plan on bidding, take note of its lot numbers.

Set up your budget. Set your budget for up to how much should you only bid for each item you are interested in getting and make sure you stick to that. Getting all caught up to bidding more than what you intend is easy, so if you in doubt with your powers, go with someone you know so there is someone who would keep you accountable and vice versa.

Set a limit. The most important and the best strategy that every beginner should know is to set a limit for yourself before going there. A lot of newbies has walked into one with an open mind and eyes have walked away with an empty wallet. With such experience, you could now be hesitant to attend another one. You should know your limits and price in order to save some room for another item.

Try not to let adrenaline to place you in some offering war. When offering, guarantee you will let yourself be overpowered adrenaline and excitement in order to not get heated into a bidding war. Offering wars leads to disrupting your norms with regard to your spending limit. Acknowledge that there are simply times that winning is not an option.

Get a card for bidders. There is what they called as bidders card. This card is important as you will not be able to participate if you do not have one. When you arrive to the site, go right away to the registration corner and have yourself registered. There you would need to fill up a form before you are given with the card.

Be certain. Be certain of a certain item before you place your bid on it. The bidding may start low and you might just be testing the water, but it should not be the case. You have no idea if a lot would fall flat. You do not want to find yourself going home with items you really did not want.

Expect that the best deals are getting auctioned in the afternoon. Most bidders usually bids more during the morning so when the afternoon comes, most of them will no longer have money to bid and would have less energy. Meaning, there is now less competition, giving you a bigger chance of winning that bid. Start bidding once your item presented.

Secure all your purchases. Ensure that you were able to bring all your purchases with you to your vehicle or you have secured them when they require you immediate possession and payment. Leaving your purchases unattended could lead to losing them. Know that the auctioneer will not give you a refund in case this happens.

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